seems the world now is saying all bout climate change, sebenarnye baru bukak najib tun razak nye page at fb and tengok his blabbering about climate change. well heres something for you mr prime minister mister eco-mentalist, mr president.
first of all, climate change? yeah its our fault, its because of our damn thinking on building cars. yeah2 mr eco-mentalists wants us to sell our cars and use public transport. cmmon man,if i already had a car why in the world would i trade it in for sitting to some bloke in a bus with some funny smell of marijuana. and even so, why the hell you'd want us to go on these crap public transport when its not even reliable and on time. YB. Dato' Seri Kong Cho Ha answer us please.
secondly, mr i-am-so-smart-eco-mentalist, some 20 years ago british prime minister margeret thatcher saw the global warming coming. yeah we were using leaded fuel which was harmful, but she was right in pointing out fuc* dont put catalytic converters onto a car, it'd cause carbon dioxide. well everybody listened and now what we've got in our hands. more co2 damnit. humans can only be so smart they create problems for themselves.
"kids, if the teacher tells you tomorrow make a hydrogen storing cell, dont slag off, because the first one to find it is going to be a rich man" quotes jeremy clarkson. finally scientist (NOT ECO-MENTALISTS) have found a solution, hydrogen based car. the only thing that comes out the tail pipe is water because what happens when hydrogen combines with 2 oxygen. water la fool. we need the honda clarity not the toyota prius.
i should explain why the toyota prius is hated among petrolheads such as me. the fucki*g point of a new revolutionary car is to stop global warming dickhea*. yeah2 toyota prius can do 70++ miles to the gallon but still there is carbon emissions la fool. what we need is honda clarity, no petrol, no carbon emissions, just hydrogens and water. and by running on petrol, soon the world is going to run out of petrol no? mr eco-mentalists? so rather on going on petrol based car, make a hydrogen based car. and fools who think electric cars are good are dickhea*s too, where does electricity comes from, not the plug you big oaf, it comes from power stations burning coal and so on and that too causes global warming. HUMANS WHY ARE WE SO STUPID.
top gear did once do an arctic exploration challenge in a toyota hilux pickup, and guess what they found. the arctic is merely scathed. we humans haven't done anything towards the global warming, its just eco-mentalist being too worried oh no the world is going to end soon, it would get flooded, all ice is going to melt oh no. but reality is, when you do go there(the arctic) see for yourself, unscathed as it is the polar ice caps.
LONG LIVE PETROL HEADS, LONG LIVE THE BUGATTI VEYRON. the future now rests on us finding a way to store hydrogen. to my friends who's already at utp, taking petroleum geoscience, pfft HAHAHAH, you didn't see this one coming didya? anyways goodluck for them find somemore fuel so during the week we go to work in our hydrogen based car, and on weekends we can hang on to our spleens powersliding in our ferrari f430. politicians ya ain't so smart after all, we kids are smarter. sort-of.
for the future of us, and our grandchildren and generations to come. coming at ya its vast-t yeah
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